Auto Title Loans Scottsdale -
Most Cash, Lowest Rates in AZ
Can I get cash for my auto title?
How an Auto Title Loan in Scottsdale, Arizona Works
An "Auto Title Loan" is a loan where you use your automobile as collateral.

Sometimes life takes unexpected turns, leading you to seek help in areas where you may have never looked for help before. Whether it is in the form of a medical bill, unexpected home repair, or an above average electricity bill - North Scottsdale Loan and Gold is here to help.
Providing auto title loans in Scottsdale Arizona has been our specialty for as long as we have been around. Our process is discreet and quick, getting the cash you need into your hands within 30 minutes of arrival.
Why Choose North Scottsdale Loan and Gold for a Title Loan?
That is a great question, one that we are happy to answer. There are a few reasons that make people think of North Scottsdale Loan and Gold when they think best title loans in Phoenix. For instance, we're teamed with Phoenix Title Loans, LLC. With their being 10 locations in the valley, it easy to find one near you. We are proud to claim the lowest rates, while having the highest payouts to help you ease through your troubles. In addition, we know that a vehicle is necessary to be able to get back on your feet. Therefore, this is why unlike our competitors, we let you keep your keys throughout the duration of your loan.
Where Do I Start?
The appraisal process is simple, first we determine the value of your car based off the make, model, year, and mileage. After that, we perform a quick 5 minute body, interior, and engine check. If everything is as described, we will the most cash possible for a loan and move on to the filing process. In the end, this only takes about 10 minutes, a few signatures and a valid Arizona ID. You will be waling out the door with the cash you need and your keys in your hand.
When it comes to interest, most of our competitors will try to reel you in by offering 30 days with no interest on their loans. Which come along with various low incentive sales tactics. However, with Phoenix Title Loans at North Scottsdale Loan and Gold there are no sales tactics or tricks. In other words, to start, no payment for the first 60 days. In addition, we have the lowest interest rates available, and the highest offers for your auto title loan.
The terms of the loan are made clear and easy to understand. Therefore, you can feel safe and comfortable throughout the duration of your loan. Bring your vehicle and title in today and get the loan you need!
Getting started is easy. Give us a call at (480) 443-4653 and we'll give you an over the phone estimate or come on in and get the cash you need on site.
Talk With Us. It will only take a minute.