Handbag Authentication Phoenix
The purchasing of a luxury handbag gives a sense of confidence and prestige that every customer wants to enjoy. But not all Handbags are legitimate ones; some are imitations created as a means to gouge customers into BUYING a brand of a luxury name. Therefore, having Handbag Authentication Phoenix customers trust is crucial to us here at North Scottsdale Loan and Gold! We offer this authentication to our customers for their peace of mind.
Handbag Authentication Phoenix Locals Trust? How Does This Work?
Simply put, we use an authentication platform known as Entrupy for all handbags that come into our store. There is a nominal fee for this service of $45 per item; that must be paid upfront and is non-refundable. This nominal fee is per handbag presented. But in paying this fee, we determine if the handbag in question is authentic and provide certification (via a certificate of authenticity) to build confidence in what they purchased.
What Brands Do You Authenticate?
The brands we focus on authentication are the following:
This is quite the selection for Handbag Authentication Phoenix locals may have on their person.
Are There Limitations to This Service?
Yes, there are. First and foremost, the limitation is down to one handbag per customer. The process takes time to verify so to expedite the benefits to as many customers as possible, we had to enforce this limitation. This also ensures authentications are completed properly. The last thing this process should risk is a rushed validation. The purpose, stated before, is for the customer’s peace of mind; above all else.
Second, there is a brand that has a higher charge to authenticate, The HERMES brand. The charge for each of these authentications are $169.
Making the choice to go to our pawnshop is both wise and profitable. It is wise because of our business’s reputation throughout the Valley. Our various pawn loan programs have helped customers in the past offering worthwhile payouts. It’s also wise to visit us for some of our other programs, such as our notary public service. It’s profitable because of our timeframes for all of our loans. That’s why we get customers from the cities of Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, and more.